Why The Joel Test will save your life

If you haven’t seen it, it is Truth. Learn it, memorize it, evangelize it.


The Joel Test

  1. Do you use source control?
  2. Can you make a build in one step?
  3. Do you make daily builds?
  4. Do you have a bug database?
  5. Do you fix bugs before writing new code?
  6. Do you have an up-to-date schedule?
  7. Do you have a spec?
  8. Do programmers have quiet working conditions?
  9. Do you use the best tools money can buy?
  10. Do you have testers?
  11. Do new candidates write code during their interview?
  12. Do you do hallway usability testing?

We’re going to talk about #2.


Let me paint you a picture:

You need to build two versions of app, one for French Guiana and one for France. Also, your app uses google analytics, google maps and some kind of crash reporting thing, all of which require tokens to access their respective APIs.

Being the Smart Developer you are, you don’t check your tokens into source code, because that would expose them to anyone who had access to your repository.

Instead, you edit the appropriate config files and add the token strings to the right fields. Your software repository ignores the changes to your config files so you don’t accidentally check them in.

You build your app for your default country, France, upload it to the app store and so on.

Now it is time to build it for French Guiana. Fortunately, everyone there speaks French, so no need to worry about translating anything (we don’t need no i18n!!1), so we just have a few changes…

  • Bundle ID
  • Google analytics tracking id
  • Google maps api key

If we don’t use a different analytics tracking ID, it will be difficult to determine usage for each app. Also, we want to keep the map’s api key separate so if one app’s traffic spikes, it won’t affect the other app.

One step

To satisfy the Joel test, we should be able to build with one step. This means ONE command.

One easy way would be to use ISO 3166 country codes.


app-build --locale=fr

French Guiana

app-build --locale=gf

However we do it, it should not involve any manual steps to complete. This will decrease the chance of making any mistakes, shrink the learning curve for new developers, and ensure that every deployment is done the same way.

Sprint Length?

Photo by J. Morgan

I was asked a question recently: what’s the ideal sprint length?

To start, let’s look at the purpose and function of a sprint.

The Sprint: What and Why

A sprint is a period of time in which the team promises to deliver certain functionality. At the end of the sprint, the team is supposed to deliver working product that has some new functionality (or fixed functionality). This does a couple of things.

  • It provides a timeboxed expectation. The product owner/stakeholders have a reasonable expectation as to when they will be able to see something new, and it is always on the same day and time. People are creatures of habit. I always have coffee Tuesday morning with my buddy, so Tuesdays are when I automatically eschew the cuppa joe at home, and my car automatically makes its way to our usual coffee shop.
  • It offers a sense of urgency and rhythm to the team. Good developers, by definition, are lazy. With an impending deadline, the desire to produce increases. Nobody wants to show up to the demo meeting and admit in front of everyone they have nothing to demo.
  • It feels like progress. Progress makes everyone happy, even the tiniest, little thing. We fixed that icon that everyone was complaining about. Oh and the app doesn’t crash when you get a call.
  • Most importantly, it sets up a time for feedback and pivoting. Long ago, when earbuds were something that grew in a garden, I was in charge of a project that ran for over a year. The team worked hard and produced a great product, and the client hated it. For one, they had only seen mockups on paper and never tried out the actual workflow. It is one thing to say, “okay, if I press this button, then I go to the details screen,” than to actually click the button and realize the details screen is stupid and should have never been built. Worse, the business always changes. Always. Competitors build their own app and gosh we should have “shake to pay” too, or whatever they have. And we sold our forklift shop six months ago so we don’t need any of that functionality.

Do this

The team (the people building the stuff) and the Product Owner sit down and figure out how long the sprints should be. The team will know what sort of reasonable time it will take to build and deliver a reasonable number of stories, and the Product Owner will know how often their boss will ask, “So what’s up with that thing you’re building?” so they can tell the boss that they have the latest one right here, and check out this SHAKE TO PAY feature.

Do not, for the love of all that is good and right in this world, pick 3-4 weeks, or longer, unless your stories involve mounds of concrete drying or paint peeling, because a month is too long to wait for progress, too long to discover the equipment catalog just doesn’t feel right, and offers way too many opportunities for the Boss to ask about That App Thing, and you have nothing new to show them.

Remember whatever you pick, resist the urge to change, otherwise it will mess up everything and provide little value. Once you’re feature-complete, or MVP, or come to a stopping place, then you can make a new project. If you want to reuse the backlog, you may have to repoint.

Automation: The Rule of Three

How many licks?

Building, Fixing, Writing, Saying something?

Do it one time – sounds good

Do it twice – a bit annoying

Do it three times – you’ve crossed the line


If you have to do the same thing the same way three or more times? Time to automate it.

Write a script, built a bot, buy a program, whatever.

You might spend as much time, or even a little more, automating it, but then the 4th+ times are free, performed accurately and correctly, and taken off your plate.

Now you can do something fun.

Processing a group of images for Cordova

Courtesy State Library of NSW

When you have a group of images that you want to use for your cordova app’s splash screen, it can be tedious to get their dimensions and then add them to the cordova.xml file.

You have to examine every image, get the height and width, then create the entry for it:

<splash src="" width="#" height="#" />

The Scenario

I was recently faced with doing just this for a mobile app, which had group of 18 icons. The Rule of Three comes right into play here, so a short while later, I banged out a one-liner using sed, of course!

The Solution

for i in *.png; do 
    identify $i|sed -e 's/^/<splash src="/' -e 's/png[^ ]*/png"/' -e 's/ PNG / width="/' -e 's/x[0-9]* [0-9]*x/" height="/' -e 's/+.*/" />/g' 


The code assumes you have imagemagick installed and available in your path, specifically the identify utility.

It also only works against PNGs as that’s what I use for mobile apps. It shouldn’t be too hard to change this by examining the output of the identify utility and adjusting the sed commands accordingly.


The output looks like this:

<splash src="bitmoji1272828.png" width="398" height="398" />
<splash src="flag_final.png" width="229" height="146" />
<splash src="line_guy.png" width="302" height="455" />
<splash src="ikcron_92.png" width="128" height="128" />


See Also

Using Story Points Correctly


Your sprints will be successful if you use points as relative work and if you base your sprints on your team’s average point completion rate. Otherwise, you will either not complete as much as you expect or you will complete stories faster than expected, setting you up for failure in future sprints.

Points are relative work

Points are used to compare stories against the smallest amount of work (e.g., changing CSS colors, fonts or some other simple thing). I wrote more about that previously in How Not To Use Story Points.

If a story is pointed at 3, asking the developer to “point it a 5” will not make the story result in higher quality, include more features or be done faster (or slower). The work drives the points not the other way around.

Pointing Stories

How stories are Pointed is just as important. It is easy for the developer to hem and haw and pull a number out of the air, but that leads to poor pointing. Instead we want to mix in some rubber ducking.

English: A rubber duck assisting with debuggin...
A rubber duck assisting with debugging code. (Wikipedia)

To do this, the developer needs to explain the story in enough detail so that someone not familiar with the work can understand the level of effort that it requires to complete the story.

For example, a story to add a log in screen to a page might be described like this:

  1. The screen has the following elements:
    • email and password fields
    • a “login” button
    • a “forgot password” link, and
    • a “signup” link
  2. Both fields are required and appropriate error messages will display if either are not filled out when the login button is pressed.
  3. If the credentials are incorrect, a notice will be displayed with the text “email and/or password incorrect”, the password field is blanked, but the email field retains whatever value was previously entered
  4. Clicking the forgot password link will go to the password recovery screen
  5. Clicking the signup link will go to the registration screen
  6. If the user successfully signs in, they will go to the dashboard screen


Once the story is adequately explained, then the developers must all vote on it. This serves as a “reality check” and prevents skewing by any one person. Whereas one person may see the work at one number, others may view it at another. The rough average of votes is taken (sometimes throwing out the high and low, depending upon the group) and fit in the point scale: if the team used the fibonacci scale and a vote average was, for example, 4, it would be pointed as a 5 to fit in the scale.

The most effective voting system is done where no one can see how the others voted until all the votes are cast. This prevents issues of groupthink.

The Sprint

Keeping track of the average number of points delivered in prior sprints is a good way of estimating the number of points one can expect the same team can deliver in the current sprint. Remember, the work drives the points, not the other way around, so insisting the team deliver Widgets 1 through 5, when the points say they should only be able to deliver 1 through 3, is the way to deliver even less.

Things that can affect delivery are team members’ absences (due to planned vacation or sickness), bugs and mispointing.

If a team member is absent, they obviously cannot deliver the points they normally could. If the absence is planned, then reducing the expected points for that sprint is one way to mitigate the risk.

Bugs should never be pointed, because they do not add value and cannot be sized against stories. Bugs are bugs, so time spent on bugs is expected to cut into time available for building features. This will naturally reduce the expected point delivery over time. The average point delivery will reflect bugs the team encounters.

Mispointing is less of a concern when there are enough (3-5) developers present to vote on each story. If the story is sufficiently described, and outliers are discarded, better accuracy can result.

DRYing up tasks makes life easier

When writing scripts that perform the same task over and over again with different parameters, it is tempting to just cut and paste. Here’s an example of a bash script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
grunt make_magic --dir=/foo
grunt make_magic --dir=/bar
grunt make_magic --dir=/lorem
grunt make_magic --dir=/ipsum
grunt make_magic --dir=/magnum

Imagine that goes on for hundreds of directories!

This isn’t very DRY. If we wanted to add an extra parameter to the grunt command, we’d have a lot of editing to do.

If we needed to do another command on those very same directories, we would have to enter the directory names again. As you can see, it would be very easy to forget to add all of them.


DRY stands for “Don’t Repeat Yourself”. If some code or commands are duplicated elsewhere, that’s a sign that there are inefficiencies in the code.

The idea behind this is to pull out common code into functions/methods. When a change to that code is required, it only needs to be made once. If a bug is identified in the code, once it is fixed, it is fixed “everywhere”.


Let’s take the example above and dry it up. We have to run the same command with different parameters (directories), so we will create an array of directories:

DIRS=( foo bar lorem ipsum magnum )

Now we write a “for…each” loop to do something for each element in the array:

for thedir in "${DIRS[@]}"; do
grunt make_magic --dir=/$thedir

This works on each element of the DIRS array and assigns it to thedir variable, which is now available inside the block.

Using this technique, it is very easy to add additional commands and/or directories.

How (not) to use Story Points

Abstract (tl;dr)

Story points should never be used to represent hours, but simply relative size of effort to complete a story. Over time, the team will tend to complete a consistent range of story points each sprint. Trying to tie story points to duration breaks the model and leads to inaccurate forecasting. Points should not be used to compare teams, nor should they be used to compare bugs.


In Agile projects, each work packet is called a Story. Each story has a point value assigned to it.

I prefer to use the Fibonacci scale for story points.

1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13

Each number is the sum of the previous two numbers (3 = 2 +1; 8 = 5 + 3; etc).

But what do these points mean? We will get to that in a minute, but first let’s examine how difficult it is to estimate sizes.

Glass of Water

English: Glass of water sitting on a coaster.

How many ounces of water is in the glass? If you’re like most people, that is not an easy thing to guess.

On the other hand, if I compare it to the glass below, I might say is has roughly twice as much water, and I would be mostly correct.

en: A glass of water / de: Ein Glas Wasser / t...

This is the concept of story points.

1 is the baseline amount of work.

2 is twice as much effort

3 is three times as much, and so on.

Either 8 or 13 are “too big to do”—otherwise known as EPICs—and are slated to being broken up into smaller stories later.

The reason this is done is because it is easier for humans to judge a relative size than an absolute size.

Smallest amount of work

The effort of the smallest amount of work is considered a “1”. For web projects, this is often the effort required to change some element’s CSS style (color, font, size, etc).

Every other story is compared to this task.

Count the points

During the course of the sprint, the team completes the stories. And the end of the sprint, all completed story points are summed and that is the number of points completed for that sprint. After 3-4 sprints are completed, the average number of completed points for the prior three sprints is a good indicator of the number of points the team will complete in the next sprint.

Sprint 1 Sprint 2 Sprint 3 Average
14 18 14 15 (rounded down)

As you can see, points cannot be hours because the number of points varies, based upon many factors:

  • Team members’ skills
  • Team leader’s leadership
  • Distractions/work environment
  • Complexity of work
  • Tools/equipment quality

Points are not fungible

fungible (fŭnˈjə-bəl)

adj. Interchangeable.

Points are not fungible, that is, they are tied to the team. One can’t judge one team’s performance against another’s by counting points, because of the factors that cause variability in points. One team might complete 15 points in a sprint, while another might complete 40. The first team is not worse than the second team; points mean different things for the two teams.

Bugs don’t Point

Donald Trump enters the Oscar De LA Renta Fash...
HUUUUUGE! ( Wikipedia)

You can’t point bugs. Well, you can, but you’re making a huge (huuuuuge) mistake. When pointing stories, one needs to explicitly lay out the tasks required to complete the work. Then, that work is compared to the Smallest Amount of Work and given a point.

Bug HAVE NO defined tasks required to complete the work because no one knows what is causing the bug. What are the exact steps required to fix it? There aren’t any; one simply works the problem until it is fixed.

For example, let’s take the “bug” of me losing my car keys. How late will I be? If I estimate the tasks to find my keys, it will be something like:

I will look:

  1. In my backpack
  2. On the table
  3. In my pants
  4. On the kitchen counter
  5. On the bathroom counter
  6. On the nightstand next to my bed
  7. Under the nightstand next to my bed

Given all that, when will I find my keys? After #1? After #8? Later?

Misunderstanding Cookies

In a recent column, Tracey Capen posits the reason so many sites are displaying the “This site uses cookies. Click ‘okay’ to continue” banner is because of Advertising—specifically because many people use ad-blockers so the advertisers want to still be able to track you.


Cookies in the EU

He almost accidentally mentions the actual reason for these banners: EU Regulations on privacy. Specifically, the regs state that websites must notify visitors before the site places cookies on the visitor’s browser, AND give them an option to opt out before that happens.

English: Tor Logo
(credit: Wikipedia)

So why do we in the non-EU part of the world see these banners? Because it is simply easier to display the banner to everyone, rather than by attempting to determine if the visitor is in the EU and displaying the banner IFF they are.

There are a myriad of ways to mask one’s location, such as using the TOR network, so the risks of failing to show the banner (and getting fined) versus just displaying it to everyone is a no-brainer.

But what about Advertisements?

Ads—and their ad-delivery network—use cookies in a variety of ways. Advertisers are charged by the networks for impressions (number of people to whom the network delivers the ad or CPM) and for the number of people who click on the ad (clickthroughs). The latter is more valuable to the advertiser and thus the networks charge more.

The ads aren’t directly loaded on the page without the network because there needs to be a system that counts the number of impressions, rotates multiple ads in the page location, and stops showing an ad when the ad’s CPM is exhausted. If an advertiser pays for 5,000 CPM, once 5,000,000 visitors visit the page, the next visitor will not see that ad.

When an adblocker runs it does at least one of two things: it blocks the ad code or (more likely) it blocks the ad delivery network code. What this means is the visitor’s browser doesn’t even request the code from the server; NOTHING from that server is requested. No code means the ad network can’t run and deliver the ads. Also, without a request, there is no cookie.

Even if somehow the site displayed the banner (“please accept our marketing/advertising cookie” Capen imagines them saying), the cookie can’t be added because there is no cookie. There is no ad network that loads. There is no ad to display.

If I’m going to hire you, I don’t want to read your resume

Well, I take it back. I want to remember your name, and I’m terrible at names. So it helps if I have your name in front of me.

Dead-Tree Resume

“But,” you ask, “How will you know if the candidate has the skills and experience you need?”

Good question. Let’s look at the purpose of an interview.

The Two Questions

An interview must answer two questions:

  1. Can the candidate do the job now and in the future?
  2. Will the candidate be a good fit for the team?

Neither of these questions are answered by the candidate’s resume.

Wait a minute

Unless the candidate worked for a company doing the exact work, for the exact clients you have, their experience will not tell you if they can do the current job at your company.

Put it this way: would it make sense to compare your company to another in a different industry, with different customers and a different product, and then make a judgement about performance based upon that comparison?

Company Industry # Customers # Employees Product
MyCorp Pharmaceutical 3 7 Blue Pills
Acme, Inc Energy 150 70 Batteries
Initech Accounting Software 3,200 1,500 TPS Reports

We will investigate the 2 questions in a future post.